The Awesomeness REALLY Ends Here!!

I am April Prinster. One thing I will tell you about me on this page is that I am secretly a comedian! I am going to tell jokes to waste this page.


Q: What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on him?


A: Nothing he just gave a little wine!

Hardy har har har! Knee slapper!


Q: What has three feet but can't walk?


A: A yardstick!

Hardy har har har! Knee slapper!


Q: What is a cheerleaders fav food?


A: Cheer - ios!

Hardy har har har! Knee slapper! 


Q:What do you call a cow in an earthquake?


A: A Milkshake!

Hardy har har har! Knee slapper!


This page is not complete. It is to be continued.