

06/29/2010 11:57

My new CEO and editor, Devon Delaney, has agreed to join me in our mad cool website so we shall be discussing new ideas and having some business meetings so be looking forward to having way more cool stuff on the site..... BE READY!! 



06/28/2010 22:47

 I am so happy!!! My mother finally let me have my birthday party this summer!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! GOING TO BE GREAT!!! 



06/22/2010 09:59

 I (April Prinster) have decided to fire Christie Poptart. If you see this Christie, I am firing you because you never do anything for our site besides go on. I will not change my mind!


3 best.....

06/19/2010 10:37

3 best game sites in the world!:





If you can't think of anything to do I suggest these websites for you because they are totally awesome!!


You know what...........

06/19/2010 10:27

You know what I just wanted to say thank you to anyone who got my email and has been going on my website because before i was getting no views and now..... all of my friends and my former CEO's friends have been going on. And I would like to make one special shout out to like my best friend Devon Delaney! Outside of this website she is the best friend ever! Also my BEST FRIEND in the WHOLE world is Jacobe Guinea Pig! she has been my best friend since pre-school and has been my friend ever since. Devon has only really been my friend for this whole year but she made this year a great one. I am so upset that school is over and I want to spend every minute with these fantastic friends. Seeing as though my family and I have to take care of our barn, Green Crane Stables, I can't see them all the time but i will have to owrk that out. Anyway I would like to say thank you to everyone who has come on to my website. If you have 2 best friends like me leave a message on my guestbook page and remember DO NOT SAY THIER REAL NAMES! Have an awesome day!


Hey yall!!!

06/15/2010 17:21







was up?


guten tag?

how are you?

你好 (hello)

I think thats enough of that. You get the point, right?


OMG How Did He Live!!

05/23/2010 16:40

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   This came out of my horse's intestines!!!! I know what your thinking; HOW THE HECK DID HE LIVE!!?? Well me too.


Jellie Bean/ Chocy Cupcakes

05/02/2010 21:18

I have teamed up with Chocy Cupcakes/ Jellie Beans to create the ultimate website! CHECK IT OUT!


The Winner!!

05/02/2010 00:37

The winner of the Kentucky Derby was Super Saver with jockey Calvin Borel who has won the Kentucky Derby 3 times in the last 4 years. Last year he won on Mind That Bird. That was an awesome race. By the end of the race all of the horses looked the same color, MUD BROWN!!


Kentucky Derby!

05/02/2010 00:17

I realize that we named this website sshorses and have mentioned nothing about horses but today is the day of the Kentucky Derby! The track is pretty much a mud flow today the horses are obviously not going to enjoy that but they are continuing the Kentucky Derby anyway. The horses are not sinking into the mud because it is only on the top level. But when the horses start running the dirt is going to fly through the air. The only mare in Kentucky Derby this year is Devil May Care. They name the horses the weirdest things, don't they? Jeez! I will be back in 10 minutes with the update on you won, we are hoping on the mare.


Hello humans of the world!

04/27/2010 18:17

Hello humans of the world. These are three things to accomplish in life:

save world hunger

create world peace

stop global warming.


Now if you can do all that then i owe you props. Lol! = ).       < he has a mole! haha


hello world

04/16/2010 21:45

I do feel some what stupid making this awesome website that no one will ever look at. Oh well!


Hey Hey Was up?

04/05/2010 16:19

Hey Hey human beings I know that no one comes to this website so I am pretty talking to no one but I just like saying that I have a blog on my website.


Hello humans

02/27/2010 19:00

Hello humans! Today is a very boring day. But it is going to get better because I am going to Stop and Shop to get posterboard.

Message to my BFFs:

Someone who's fake name in Jacobe:

Hey was up leave me a comment in the guest book so I know you were here. Sorry I am not the mood to be funny


This is April

02/23/2010 18:21

I am not acualy April I am faking it but I am not telling you my real name for you may be stalkers and if you are we told you to leave on the front page! If you chose to ignor that, LEAVE! 







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How many dudes did they have on Blues Clues?






Total votes: 20